Stand Up Against Myself

I was supposed to get this post done about two hours ago but I got a little sidetracked with my new desktop sidebar. I'd been wanting to get some sort of calendar for my desktop so I did a search for one. Just so happened that I saw the link come up for Google Desktop. It seemed like the sort of thing I was looking for so I downloaded it. It's pretty nifty. I have a clock, calendar, weather report and picture viewer installed on it. I never used to like clutter on my desktop as it seemed to distract from the wallpaper. However, now it seems a little bland when there's nothing else on there except a recycle bin. I really like it looks now. Especially with Horie Yui on my wallpaper!

I forgot to mention in the last post that I went against my will and decided to open that Morning Musume CD. I'm glad I did because the songs on it are very good. I'd never paid much attention to this album. I always thought it to be the weakest of the eight that they've released. I was sorely wrong. The classic tracks are on there, along with some great songs I'd never heard before. The song "Haru No Uta" is a particular delight. I think the best song on the album has got to be "Koe". I've loved ever since I heard Niigaki Risa sing an acoustic version of it on Hello Pro Hour. This album was definitely worth getting, just a shame I didn't realise that sooner.

My friend and I went on an epic walk along the local coastline yesterday. You see, there are five piers along the Fylde coast. Our mission was to set off from the most northern pier and walk all the way down to the most southern one. That's about 16 miles from start to finish. We set off early to make sure we had plenty of time to complete the journey. Arrived at the first pier at 9:00am, took some pictures and had a quick look around. We set off for the second pier at around 9:30am. This would be the longest part of the trek. From first to second is almost halfway along the entire coast. We made a pretty good pace and got to the town centre at midday and went for lunch at Subway. I didn't get to have breakfast so that sandwich tasted so damn good it was unbelievable. With stomachs filled we resumed the mission. The second, third and fourth piers were nice and close together so it was not quite so arduous. The only problem was that it was a really sunny day and the crowds were out. Each bit of the beach and promenade was filled with people. Some more pictures and we were onto the final leg. By this point the feet were really hurting and the pace dropped. We got some refreshments from local shop and set off for the last pier. The sun beat down constantly and the pain became quite tough to bear. But by 4:00pm we finally reached our destination. I doubt many people have done what we've done. Total time clocked in at 6 hours and 30 mins. I'm quite proud of our achievement. Just don't ask me to go repeating it any time soon... my feet would drop off.

Final bit of news, I bought the original Valkyrie Profile from Play-Asia. It's not an original copy but a re-release. It's a Japanese copy but that shouldn't be too much of a problem. After all, I completed Final Fantasy XII in Japanese so this shouldn't lessen my enjoyment of the game. It's just a question of whether this will arrive first or Silmeria. I was considering buying a Japanese copy of that too if I like it. I've heard some of the American voice acting and it's damned awful!

Posted byHocchan at 11:33 pm  


Mrs, Samaripa 10/10/08 said... 1:20 am BST  

was going to ask how you like silmeria but you haven't gotten it yet. I never played it, but it was fun to watch Michael play it. I was still a bit intimidated by RPGs and he had me playing Star Ocean which I loved. (could only dedicate my time to one game at a time). Hope you enjoy it when you get it though! I thought the storyline looked good.

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