The Rising Sun

The French call it "histoire", the Spanish call it "historia", the English call it "history", but I like to call it "rekishi".


In this post I shall be talking about one of my favourite interests - Japanese. As you may have guessed by now (from the constant reference to it) I like to use the language they call 'Nihongo'.

My interest in Japanese has probably been around for quite a few years, maybe since I was a child. My parents are Chinese so therefore I am obviously of Chinese origin. But having been born in England and having lived here all my life, I don't consider myself completely British or Chinese. I am both, and I am neither and I like it that way. It allows me to experience the best (unfortunately some of the worst) of both cultures and I am grateful to have that chance.

How all this culmulated in me liking Japanese, I have no idea! /laugh My only theory is that during my trips to Hong Kong during my childhood, I was exposed to all that cool Japanese anime that was on television and had the culture ingrained into my subconscious. Whatever the reason, that love of Japan has recently surfaced and I am now completely obsessed. From the usual anime and J-POP, to the culture and history of the place, I'm fascinated by it all.

I love the sound of the language, it's just music to my ears. The words and sentences of Japanese flow so well and there's almost a melody to it. It's not quite as good as Cantonese (which I consider the nicest sounding language) but it's a close second. I love the obsession with anime. I love the obsession with manners. I love the obsession with RPGs. And I love the beauty and craftsmanship of the Katana. Centuries of making the world's best swords have produced not only a perfect fighting weapon, but a work of art. A well made Katana is truly a masterpiece to be admired and respected. These are just a few things I find interesting and I enjoy learning more about them.

I am currently learning Japanese at the local college with the hope to go on and study it at university. I would dearly love to spend a year in Japan and experience what it would be like to live in that country. It's still a while away yet but I'm working hard to make this dream come true and maybe one day, I'll get my wish.


So there you have it. A brief history about my love of Japanese. Join me again next time when I'll explain all about my other great love - Horie Yui.

Doumo sumimasen!

Posted byHocchan at 11:55 am  


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