Yakusoku ~Eternal Promise~

Tadaima! I just couldn't keep away from the keyboard! /laugh

Before we move onto the main subject of this post, I'll just explain why I use '/laugh' so much in my writing. Basically, I absolutely HATE (dai dai dai kirai!) the use of unnecessary abbreviations. The type I'm referring to are the likes of: 'lol', 'wtf', 'l8r', 'cu', etc. (yes, yes, I know 'etc.' is an abbreviation but it is a grammatically correct one). It's just lazy writing and gives the impression you aren't bothered about your audience. In a limited space then yes, it is required to abbreviate some words to be able to fit them in. But anywhere else, there's just absolutely no need for it!

Ahem! Anyway, back to my explanation. During my days of playing Final Fantasy XI Online, I didn't want to use the 'lol' as a way of expressing my amusement at a joke. Therefore I adopted the emote command for the laughing motion from the game: /laugh, I've just continued to use it in communications with friends.

There, one explanation done and dusted.


The main subject of this post was not to ramble on about my hatred of 'lol' (though you'd be forgiven for thinking it was). No, it was about Horie Yui. My absolute favourite girl in all the world! /laugh

(You can find the link to her official website on the links to the right. It's all in Japanese but even me with my limited knowledge of the language can navigate it, so you'll be fine)

I first discovered Horie Yui from the anime 'Love Hina'. I can't for the life of me remember why I decided to watch that series but I'm eternally grateful that I did! /laugh It was one the first anime series that I watched and it became a favourite of mine due to the hilarious antics of the characters. Horie Yui stars as the leading female (Narusegawa Naru) in this show and becomes the main love interest of the male lead (Urashima Keitaro). It might have been the character of Naru, but I found myself drawn to the voice.

At the time I had no idea what seiyuu were but I was determined to find out who the voice was behind Narusegawa. Finding that out was the easy part, the real test came when I tried to get information on Yui. I searched the internet for ages and eventually found a link to Yui's official website (which I now have as my homepage so I don't miss any new information). I discovered that she had also released some solo albums (as most seiyuu do) so I ordered her second album from HMV Japan. I got it a week or so later (no thanks to the rejects that are FedEx) and I loved it so much. My first CD from Japan and it was a joy to own since it was such high quality (I didn't know it but it was a limited edition, first pressing version of the album. I absolutely love the high quality of Japanese CD's and I love the way they have special editions of almost all new CD's).

Over time I amassed a collection of stuff related to Horie Yui ranging from CD's, DVD's, magazines with Yui on the cover, calendars, etc. I even managed to join her official fan club: Kuroneko Doumei. My collecting's slowed down a little bit now due to me being extremely short of money (importing stuff from Japan is expensive...) but I hope to resume it soon.

Egao No Rensa

So there you have it. You're now all thinking I'm truly obsessed and you're probably right. You can call me 'sad', you can tell me to 'get a life', but I don't care, I'm obsessed and I'm loving every minute of it! /laugh

Posted byHocchan at 5:14 pm  


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