Haru Beautiful Everyday

It's a glorious Sunday evening outside. The sun is shining down, the birds are chirping and the trees are swaying in the gentle breeze. With the temperature being so mild it's almost like summer. Such a shame then that I'm stuck sitting inside doing nothing. Nothing except to read the newspaper. Again. Honestly, I don't think that I've ever read the newspaper front to back in so much detail before. It has been quite educational though. I'm very up-to-date on current news affairs. I can tell you for instance how Gordon Brown's new budget will end up costing me an extra £200 pound in taxes every year. I could also tell you how 15 sailors and Royal Marines have been captured by Iranian forces. There's also the rather trivial news like David Cameron being asked to remove his new wind turbine from his house as it's been installed a couple of feet from where it should have been. What a numpty. Is that how you spell it? When I'm not reading the newspaper from cover to cover I do a little bit of budgeting. That is trying to work out how much I should portion out my salary (when I get it) between paying off debt and saving for Japan. I've become a sort of mini-Gordon Brown, except less miserable and less like Stalin. It's been rather fun. I've managed to work how much I can afford to spend each month on food and travel, and also how much I can stash away for Japan. I'm aiming to travel around October time which would give me 7-months to save. It all relies on me starting my job in April though. If I don't then I'll have to keep pushing back the schedule month by month until it eventually means I don't get to go until 2008. I could always starve myself...

Posted byHocchan at 5:06 pm  


Anonymous said... 1:59 am BST  

My dearest Ken! SO glad to have you back, chum! And to get so many posts all at once. It must be Christmas! It sounds like you're keeping yourself busy despite the lack of internet services. You're still posting more than me (and here I thought I could beat you out this month!) WB!

Hocchan said... 7:54 pm BST  

Arigatou. I actually managed to break the record again in March with a total of 17 posts /joy.

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