Shanimuni Paradise

(The following six entries were all written using pen and paper before being typed up on the computer. The dates and times for these entries are completely genuine and have not been altered to break the record. There is, however, some slight editing done to tidy up the grammar or make additional points.)

Damn it! I haven't had internet access for a few days now and it's agonising. I can't check my e-mail or update my blog. That's why I resorted to writing things down in a notepad instead. The reason why I don't have the internet I won't go into on here. Lets just say it's very troublesome and could take a little bit of time to sort out. It's made me realise how dependant on the internet you become though. I'm not sure I could live without having on-line access. Maybe that's one of the curses of living in this technological age - the over dependence on electronics. I'm sure the people who don't own computers or mobile phones have a lot less stress.

I think the worse thing is not being able to play Final Fantasy XI, daft as that sounds. The reason being that I only just got my Corsair to level 40 the previous night. I can now use Evoker's Roll and, most importantly, Quick Draw. This is an amazing ability that's a lot of fun to use and does a fair bit of damage as well. It has a one minute timer which means you can use it at least once or twice per battle. Depending on the card you use when firing the shot you'll inflict some sort of additional effect. Things such as sleep on a Light Card, or Dispel on a Dark Card. It's really a lot of fun and has put Corsair right back at the top of my 'fun jobs' list. I hope I can get back to the game soon so I can continue to experiment with the ability.

With all this free time on my hands I've been able to listen to Morning Musume's new album a lot. I'm very impressed with 'Sexy 8 Beat'. The overall feel of the album is very crisp and fresh sounding. The start of the first track, entitled 'Genki+', is reminiscent of an 80s song. As the beat builds into the main melody it changes into a very lively track similar in style to Europop. One of my favourite songs on the album simply because of it's catchy chorus and retro instrumentals. Some other songs of note are 'Haru Beautiful Everyday' and 'Shanimuni Paradise'. The former being a cheerful song that makes you think of a nice sunny day. The latter is similar to 'Genki+' in styling. It's probably even more like a Euro dance songs if anything. The continuous bass beat coupled with the chirpy vocals make it's a very upbeat song. The remaining songs are a mixture of their four previous singles and some new tracks. All the singles have already proved their pedigree and are well worth listening to again. The new songs are also a nice standard and fit into the album well. I don't think there's a single bad song on this album. The only thing that I'm a little disappointed with is it's running time. I think it would have been better if it had a couple more songs on it. At only 11 tracks it's not quite long enough. Despite that, I would still easily rate this album a 9/10.

Posted byHocchan at 7:56 pm  


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