There's No Limit

Before we start, I miss Ogawa Makoto! ; ; She's the one on the left in the picture. It's been over 6 months since she graduated but it still feels like it was only yesterday. When I watch back over the old clips of Morning Musume I remember just how funny she was. One of the most comedic members of the group for sure. I hope she's doing well in her English studies, and I hope she doesn't pick up too many stupid Americanisms.

Anyway, back to the news at hand. I had my job interview this morning. I turned up about 30 mins earlier than they had asked but was able to get interviewed almost right away. The reason being that a couple of people hadn't shown up for their appointments. Fine by me, less competition /laugh. I was taken up to the 3rd floor of the building and led to an office where a man and a woman sat behind a desk. They offered me a seat and told me to get comfortable. The explained that the interview will be about four main topics which I'd been informed of in the invitation letter. These were: Improving performance; Making the best use of resources; Engaging effectively with customers; and building constructive working relationships. Each of them took two of the topics and asked me to discuss them in turn. They would start of with a lead question related to the subject such as, "give an example of when you had to improve performance". Depending on what I answered they would then ask a series of more delving questions. After about 4-5 questions they would move onto the next topic.

Altogether it only took about 20 mins to complete the interview. I was pretty nervous at first but managed to overcome it after the first few minutes. I wasn't sure but I don't think I sat up straight enough. I did try to maintain eye contact when answering the questions. I had a couple of those awkward silent moments when I couldn't quite think of what to say. I hope that won't reflect too badly on my assessment. Overall, I would say that I did OK. I could have done a bit better though with my examples. I'm not very confident that I'll get an offer but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I asked the guy who greeted me in the lobby how many vacancies there were and he said 30. That's a fairly large number so maybe I have a decent chance of getting one of them. Please God, let me get this job /pray.

Posted byHocchan at 2:31 pm  


Anonymous said... 12:23 pm GMT  

Even out here in Boston, I'm crossing my fingers for you! good luck my dear! I'm sure you'll get the job. won't that be exciting! I guess if I can type you a reply, I can update my own blog....hmmmm

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