I'm Gonna Be

Argh! This download for Sunday's Hello! Morning is taking too long! It's downloading at 100 kB/s at the moment which is pretty good for my connection. The only problem is that the file is 1.36 GB so it's taking a little while. Time remaining is around the 3 hours mark. Hurry up! I want to see the new members /sigh. Guess I'll just have to write something on here to pass the time.

We got the router problem sorted finally. A joint collaboration between me and my sister's boyfriend. Turns out that the network card on my sister's laptop was not installed properly. After re-installing it everything began to work as it was supposed to. The connection to the router is stable and annoyingly it has a better range than my USB adapter. Looks like I'll have to invest in a proper wireless network card so I don't have to be stuck in my room when using the internet. But the main thing is that I don't have to worry about it any more. That's one headache out of the way.

Morning Musume's 8th album - "Sexy 8 Beat" is being released on Wednesday 21st. I wish I had the money to order it right now but my funds are a little tied up. Going to have to wait until the 28th before I can buy it. I hope they still have some Limited Edition copies available by then. This lack of cash is also annoying because I've managed to find a copy of the Limited Edition version of their 6th album on eBay. It's bound to fetch a high price because they don't come up for sale often. I'm very tempted to make a bid for it as I know it'll be a while for another to show up. This one comes with the photo card AND the poster. Decisions decisions...

Posted byHocchan at 1:08 am  


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