Red Light Spells Danger

Argh! Such a headache from trying to set up the wireless internet connection for my sister's laptop. I spent a good 2 hours messing around with settings and configurations before finally admitting defeat. The furthest I got was to get the wireless adapter to connect to the router. However, it still wouldn't connect to the internet and would occasionally disconnect. Getting it to reconnect was a real hit and miss affair (mainly misses). I really don't know why people would want to become technical support advisers, it'd make me want to commit suicide. I'm having no problems with my wireless adapter that came with the router. My guess is that the adapter made by Atheros and the router made by U.S. Robotics aren't communicating with each other properly. I tried to install the USR adapter onto the other laptop but it wouldn't run properly. Stupid thing. I'm starting to hate Windows Vista. Sure it looks fancy and everything but it can be a right pain in the arse trying to get it to do what you want.

Thankfully, the assaults went pretty well yesterday and we got 4/4 wins on Ilrusi Atoll's Golden Salvage (the first time we've won all attempts in one night). That puts me at 9,026 points for the zone which is about where I should be had we not lost so many previously. If we keep going with 4-5 people a time it'll be about another 2 weeks before I get 20,000 points. I'm praying we can keep this winning streak up. It'll be so nice to finally be rid of this awful area.

Posted byHocchan at 7:55 pm  


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